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CDISC : SDTM, ADAM And TLF Training Includes ✓Oncology Project ✓Listings ✓Safty Tables ✓ Efficacy Tables ✓Figures✓Safety ADAM Datasets ✓Efficacy ADAM Datasets ✓Safety SDTM Datasets ✓ Efficacy SDTM Datasets ✓Define.Xml ✓Resume ✓Mock Interview

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What Is CDISC : SDTM, ADAM And TLF Training?

CDISC: SDTM, ADaM, and TLF Training by Great Online Training is an in-depth course that equips learners with the knowledge and skills to implement CDISC standards, specifically focusing on Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM), Analysis Data Model (ADaM), and Tables, Listings, and Figures (TLF) in clinical research. This comprehensive training offers professionals a deep understanding of data management, standardization, and reporting in the context of clinical trials using these three key CDISC components. By participating in the CDISC: SDTM, ADaM, and TLF Training by Great Online Training, professionals can enhance their expertise in clinical data management and effectively utilize CDISC standards for improved data quality, interoperability, and regulatory compliance.Clinical SAS is a crucial tool in the pharmaceutical industry, enabling the analysis of clinical trial data to ensure drug safety and efficacy. Clinical SAS professionals are in high demand, tasked with the important role of making sense of complex data and ensuring regulatory compliance. Clinical SAS's capabilities extend beyond basic data analysis, providing comprehensive tools for managing, viewing, and reporting on clinical trial data, making it an indispensable resource in the field of clinical research.

Course Name CDISC, SDTM, ADaM and TLF with Real Time Project
Duration 45 Days & 1:30 Hours/Day
Training Days Monday to Friday
Live Class Recordings Access Provided
Materials Life Time Access
Software Life Time Access
Resume Preparation Included In The Course
Interview Preparation Q&A Will Be Provided
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How to Enroll in this course?

STEP - 1: Register
Please register for a free demo session by filling in your details in the below form and choose a suitable time to take the demo session


wed12mar7:00 AMwed8:30 AMCDISC Project - SDTM & ADaM with TFL DemoSAS Base + SAS Advance + R Programming + CDISC (SDTM, ADaM & TFL) with Project7:00 AM - 8:30 AM(GMT+05:30) View in my time

fri14mar7:00 AMfri8:30 AMCDISC Project - SDTM & ADaM with TFL DemoSAS Base + SAS Advance + R Programming + CDISC (SDTM, ADaM & TFL) with Project7:00 AM - 8:30 AM(GMT+05:30) View in my time

sun16mar7:00 AMsun8:30 AMCDISC Project - SDTM & ADaM with TFL DemoSAS Base + SAS Advance + R Programming + CDISC (SDTM, ADaM & TFL) with Project7:00 AM - 8:30 AM(GMT+05:30) View in my time

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STEP - 2: The confirmation e-mail
After step-1 a confirmation mail will be sent to your registered email immediately there you can get all course Fees and other details.

STEP - 3: A Call from the Training Co-Ordinator to you
You will receive a  Mobile call / Whatsapp call from our training coordinator to explain the course details and any other questions from your end will be answered. If your question is completely technical your call will be forwarded to Trainer from Great online Training, you can ask career-related questions before you choose a career in Clinical SAS.

STEP - 4: Clinical SAS(CDISC) Free Demo
After completion of step-3, you will be invited to Clinical SAS free live Demo by Great Online Training. You will receive a Mail and a WhatsApp message to your registered mobile number. You can attend 3 to 4 classes for free without any payment and Once you decide to continue the training, you can go to the next step.

STEP - 5: Fee Payment

After step-4, we will request you to do the fee payment through Pay Pal / Xoom /  Net banking / western union/ UPI / DEBIT Card / CREDIT Card Payment. On the same day, you will receive the material, software, and daily classes recording video folder access. You can regularly attend the live class with the same meeting link every day. Now you are Done.

Great Online Training wishing you  Happy Learning and a fruitful career.

CDISC: SDTM, ADaM, and TLF Jobs Eligibility

CDISC: SDTM, ADaM, and TLF jobs eligibility typically require candidates to have a strong background in clinical data management, biostatistics, or a related field. Professionals with experience in the implementation of CDISC standards, specifically SDTM, ADaM, and TLF, are highly sought after by employers. The following qualifications and skills are often considered essential for eligibility:

  1. A bachelor's or master's degree in life sciences, pharmacy, medicine, biostatistics, or a related field.
  2. Knowledge of clinical data management processes and regulatory guidelines (ICH-GCP).
  3. Experience in implementing CDISC standards, specifically SDTM, ADaM, and TLF.
  4. Proficiency in statistical programming languages, such as SAS or R, is highly desirable.
  5. Strong analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills.
  6. Familiarity with clinical trial databases and Electronic Data Capture (EDC) systems.

Additional certifications, such as the CDISC Authorized Education courses or SAS certifications, can enhance a candidate's eligibility and increase their competitiveness in the job market.
CDISC: SDTM, ADaM, and TLF Job Titles

CDISC: SDTM, ADaM, and TLF Job Titles

CDISC: SDTM, ADaM, and TLF job titles reflect the various roles that professionals can hold in the clinical research industry, specifically focusing on data management, standardization, and reporting. Some common job titles for professionals with expertise in CDISC standards, including SDTM, ADaM, and TLF, are:

  1. Clinical Data Manager
  2. CDISC Data Standards Specialist
  3. SDTM Programmer / Analyst
  4. ADaM Programmer / Analyst
  5. Clinical SAS Programmer (with CDISC experience)
  6. Biostatistician (with CDISC knowledge)
  7. Clinical Trial Data Standardization Specialist
  8. Data Conversion Specialist (SDTM/ADaM)
  9. Clinical Data Standards Lead
  10. Tables, Listings, and Figures (TLF) Programmer

These job titles may vary across different organizations and job postings, but they generally indicate a strong focus on the implementation and management of CDISC standards, including SDTM, ADaM, and TLF, in clinical research data management and reporting.

You should complete SAS Base and SAS Advanced Training before joining CDISC training. If you haven't completed SAS Base and Advanced course yet, please Click here for SAS Base and advanced training.

Advanced complex SAS interview Topics

Download Table Codes

Download demographic Table code

Download Adverse event (AE) Table code

Download Lab Shift Table code

Download Vital signs Table code

Course Reviews

[saswp-reviews-collection id="50077"]

Course Currilcum

    • Demo by Shiva 24 hours
    • Assignment to Analysis Populations 24 hours
    • Study Visits 24 hours
    • Withdrawals from the Study 24 hours
    • Abnormal Biochemistry Values 24 hours
    • Vital Signs 24 hours
    • Serious Adverse Events 24 hours
    • 14.1.1 Subject Assignment to Analysis Populations 24 hours
    • 14.1.4 Subject Disposition by Treatment (Safety Population) 24 hours
    • 14.1.6 Subject Demographics – Age (Safety Population) 24 hours
    • 14.1.8 Subject Demographics (Safety Population) 24 hours
    • 14.1.11 Subject Demographics -Sex and Race (Safety Population) 24 hours
    • 14.1.14 Treatment Emergent Adverse Events by Treatment, System Organ Class and Preferred Term (Safety Population) 24 hours
    • 14.1.16 Summary of Changes in Vital Signs from Baseline to Final Visit (Safety Population) 24 hours
    • 14.1.18 Shift Table from Baseline to End of period (Safety Population) 24 hours
    • 14.1.20 Medical History by Treatment, System Organ Class and Preferred Term (Safety Population) 24 hours
    • 14.1.22 Best overall response (Safety Population) 24 hours
    • 14.1.24 Survival Estimates (Safety Population) 24 hours
    • 16.1.1 Creatinine (umol/L) Level by Age Range (Safety Population) 24 hours
    • 16.2.1 Distribution of Blood Pressure (safety Population) 24 hours
    • Table 16.1.3 Distribution of Maximum Liver Function Test Values by Treatment (safety population) AND Kaplan-Meier Survival Plot (enrolled population) 24 hours
    • ADAM OVERVIEW 24 hours
    • ADSL PART-03 24 hours
    • ADSL PART 04 24 hours
    • ADSL FINAL PART & ADDV 24 hours
    • ADAE 24 hours
    • ADAE 24 hours
    • ADCM 24 hours
    • ADMH 24 hours
    • ADVS 24 hours
    • ADVS 24 hours
    • ADRS 24 hours
    • ADRS 24 hours
    • ADTTE 24 hours
    • DM 24 hours
    • DM 24 hours
    • DM 24 hours
    • AE 24 hours
    • AE 24 hours
    • MH 24 hours
    • CM & SUPP CM 24 hours
    • TU 24 hours
    • TR 24 hours
    • Define.Xml ,Pinnacle 21 ,Validation Of Tfl 24 hours
    • Material Related Interview Questions, Iss Ise Overview, Population Flags, Resumes &Tips 24 hours
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